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Lydia, Sardes; bust of Artemis/Athena
Description: Lydia, Sardes, 133 BC - 14 AD. Draped bust of Artemis right, bow and quiver over shoulder; c/m: monogram / ΣAΡΔIANON; Athena standing left, holding Nike, spear, and shield set on ground, ΠAMΦIΛOΣ ΔHMOΦΩN MOΨΣΩΛ (magistrate).
Diameter: AE21 mm
Weight: 7,68 g
Grade: aVF/aVF
Attribution: SNG Cop 500 - 503 var; BMC p. 242, 53 ff. var; SNG von Aulock 3131 var; Lindgren 808 var
Commentary: dark patina, some deposits, nearly full legends
History: During the Mithridatic Wars in the first half of the 1st century BC, the city remained loyal to Rome and fought against the king of Pontos.
Article Number: 011-09-04-41652