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Maximinus II; AE Follis, Heraclea; Jupiter
Description: Maximinus II Daia (310 - 313 AD). AE Follis, Heraclea mint 312 AD. IMP C GAL VAL MAXIMINVS P F INV AVG; laureate head right / IOVI CONSERVATORI; Jupiter standing front, nude but for chlamys, head to left, holding globus in his right hand and long scepter in his left, wreath in left field, A in right field; SMHT in ex.
Diameter: AE24 mm
Weight: 4,72 g
Grade: gVF/VF
Attribution: RIC 69A var. (unlisted officina)
Commentary: rare; silver-greyish patina, great detail
History: Maximinus was the last person afforded the title of Pharaoh.
Article Number: 003-08-03-45489