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Julian II; AE3 Rome; emperor dragging captive
Description: Julian II (Augustus 361 - 363 AD). AE3 Rome mint 361-363 AD. FL CL IVLIANVS PP AVG; pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / VIRT EXERC ROMANOR; soldier, helmeted, draped, cuirassed, standing right, head left, placing right hand on head of kneeling captive and holding trophy over left shoulder.
Diameter: AE14 mm
Weight: 1,58 g
Grade: gF/gF
Attribution: RIC VIII Rome 327
Commentary: very rare; broze surfaces, some deposits
History: The Constantine dynasty was the first Christian one, but in some kind of irony the last member, Julian II, was a champion of traditional Roman pagan religion.
Article Number: 003-05-06-45489