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Aurelian; AE Antoninianus, Rome; emperor with two ensigns
Description: Aurelian (270 - 275 AD). AE Antoninianus, Rome mint ; IMP AVRELIANVS AVG; radiate, cuirassed bust right / FIDES MILITVM; emperor, standing left between two ensigns, holding spear in left hand and greeting with his right arm.
Diameter: AE24 mm
Weight: 3,26 g
Grade: aVF/aVF
Attribution: RIC V Aurelian 46
Commentary: rare; attractive light green patina, minor deposits
History: Beside the partition of the empire Aurelianus had to deal with three or four usurpers and the invasions of Vandals, Juthungi, Sarmatians, Alamanni and Goths.
Article Number: 010-01-03-45261