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Ionia, Islands off, Samos, Commodus
Description: Ionia, Islands off, Samos, Commodus (177 - 192 AD). Μ ΑΥΡ ΚΟΜΟΔΟC; laureate head right / CAMIΩΝ Facing cult statue of the Samian Hera between two peacocks, holding phiale in each hand.
Diameter: AE17 mm
Weight: 4,04 g
Grade: gVF/gVF
Attribution: RPC 1059; BMC 243-5; SNG Cop. 1737
Commentary: rare; dark olive-grey patina
History: Samos was a place of the famous temple of Hera (Heraion of Samos) - according to Herodotus "the largest of all the temples that we know of".
Article Number: 007-03-05-45489