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Thessaly, Koinon of Thessaly, Augustus
Description: Thessaly, Koinon of Thessaly, Augustus (27 BC - 14 AD). Sosandros, son of Sosandros, strategos. ΣEBAΣTOΣ ΘEΣΣAΛΩN; bare head right / ΣΩΣANΔPOΣ ΣΩΣANΔPOY; Athena Itonia standing left, holding crowning Nike and resting hand upon shield, spear to inner right, monograms to left and right.
Diameter: AE21 mm
Weight: 7,72 g
Grade: aVF/aVF
Attribution: BCD Thessaly II 914.1; RPC I 1425
Commentary: green patina, obverse slightly off-center
History: Augustus actually was the strategos of Koinon of Thessaly in 27/6 BC.
Article Number: 002-08-04-45412