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Phrygia, Synnada; eagle/owl on amphora
Description: Phrygia, Synnada, 14 - 37 AD. Magistrate Valerianus. OVAΛEPIANOY; eagle standing with open wings, head turned left / CΥΝΝ-ΑΔ-ΕΩΝ; owl standing right on amphora.
Diameter: AE14 mm
Weight: 4,04 g
Grade: aVF/aVF
Attribution: RPC 3182; BMC 8
Commentary: rare; dark patina, some light deposits, well centered with clear legends
History: Synnada was famous for the special marble, of a light color with purple specles and veins, quarried in Dokimeion.
Article Number: 026-06-05-41652