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Cleopatra Thea and Antiochos VIII; radiate head/head-dress of Isis
Description: Cleopatra Thea and Antiochos VIII Gryphos (125 - 121 BC). Ptolemaïs Ake mint, SE 188 (125/124 BC). Radiate, diademed head of Antiochus VIII right / ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΗΣ ΚΛΕΟΠΑΤΡΑΣ, ΚΑΙ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ; Isis headdress resting on inverted crescent, HΠP (date) below, thunderbolt(?) below.
Diameter: AE20 mm
Weight: 4,58 g
Grade: VF/aVF
Attribution: SC 2274.5
Commentary: nice bronze surfaces with contrasting darker areas and sandy deposits, obverse slightly off-center
History: Cleopatra Thea was married three times to the rulers of Seleukid Empire and became so entangled in complicated dynasty politics, that she even murdered her own son, Seleukos V, shortly after his accession to the throne.
Article Number: 013-07-04-41652