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Constans; AE3 Rome; two Victories
Description: Constans (337 - 350 AD). AE3, Rome mint. DN FL CONSTANS AVG, laureate, rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / VICT-ORIAE DD AVGG Q dot NN, two Victories each holding palm branches; one standing left holding wreaths inwards, the other walking right towards her, holding her wreath outwards, RP in ex.
Diameter: BI31 mm
Weight: 3,46 g
Grade: aVF/gF
Attribution: SB 1966
Commentary: rare; olive-grey patina with light sandy deposits, ragged flan, good details
History: The homosexual Constans preferred his barbarian bodyguards, what offended his soldiers and led ultimately to the revolt of Magnentius and Constans' death.
Article Number: 057-09-03-42384