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Commemorative Series; Arelate; Constantinopolis/Victory on prow
Description: Commemorative Series, 330-354 AD. AE Follis, Arelate mint 330-331 AD. CONSTANTINOPOLIS; helmeted, laureate and mantled bust of Constantinopolis to left, holding scepter over her left shoulder / Victory standing front, head to left, placing her right foot on prow, holding scepter in her right hand and resting her left on shield, star in left field; PCONST in ex.
Diameter: AE17 mm
Weight: 2,32 g
Grade: gVF/XF
Attribution: RIC VII Arles 352; Sear 16452
Commentary: very rare; great detail, minute deposits on obverse
History: The legend says that Constantine traced the fortifications line of the new city so far till it included seven hills of the area - a clear reference to the Old Rome.
Article Number: 005-07-03-45047