140,00 €
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Justinian I; AE Follis, Constantinople
Description: Justinian I (527 - 565 AD). AE Follis, Constantinople mint, year 15 (541/2 AD). D N IVSTINIANVS P P AVI; diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust of Justinian facing, holding globus cruciger and shield, cross in right field / Large M, cross above, Γ below, ANNO left, XЧ right, CON in ex.
Diameter: AE36 mm
Weight: 18,92 g
Grade: aEF/gVF
Attribution: DOC 40c; MIBE 95a; SB 163
Commentary: sharp details with wonderful portrait, bronze surfaces, minor roughness on reverse
History: This coin was minted during the time when the Plague of Justinian (probably a kind of bubonic plague) ravaged the city and the empire killing 20-40% of the population of the city.
Article Number: 058-03-05-42386