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Justinian I; AE 16 Nummi, Thessalonica
Description: Justinian I (527 - 565 AD). AE 16 Nummi, Thessalonica mint. DN IVSTINIANVS PP AVC; diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / Large AISP, star-cross-star above, TES in ex.
Diameter: AE21 mm
Weight: 6,24 g
Grade: VF/VF
Attribution: BMC 167-170; DOC 98c; MIB 169d; SB 177
Commentary: olive patina with contrasting deposits, well centered, good details, attractive style
History: Justinian closed the Neoplatonic Academy in Athens - probably the last institution in the empire teaching pagan, classical knowledge.
Article Number: 034-03-05-41652