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Honorius; AE4 Antioch; Victory with captive
Description: Honorius (393 - 423 AD). AE4 Antioch mint 392-395 AD. DN HONORIVS PF AVG; pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust right / SALVS REIPVBLICAE; Victory advancing left, holding trophy on shoulder with right hand, and dragging captive with left, cross in left field; ANTA in ex.
Diameter: AE13 mm
Weight: 1,34 g
Grade: gF/gF
Attribution: RIC IX Antioch 70c; Sear 21045
Commentary: rare; olive-grey patina with contrasting deposits
History: Honorius was born in Constantinople and his brother, Arcadius, in Spain - yet Honorius became later the emperor of the West and Arcadius of the East.
Article Number: 009-06-06-45200