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Ionia, Kolophon; Homer/Apollo
Description: Ionia, Kolophon, ca. 50 BC. Pytheos, magistrate. ΠYΘEOΣ; Homer seated left, holding scroll in his left hand and propping his head on his right / KOΛOΦΩNIΩN; Apollo standing right, holding kithara in his left hand and phiale in his right.
Diameter: AE19 mm
Weight: 4,98 g
Grade: aVF/aVF
Attribution: Milne, Colophon, 177; SNG Cop. 186-187
Commentary: dark brown patina, some roughness
History: Kolophon was along with the island of Khios and the city of Smyrna cited as a possible birthplace of Homer.
Article Number: 053-03-03-44408