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Ionia, Kolophon; head of Apollo/horseman
Description: Ionia, Kolophon. 330 - 285 BC. Laureate head of Apollo right / KOΛ; horseman prancing right, chlamys flying behind, spear in right; lyra in left upper field; magistrate's name below.
Diameter: AE17 mm
Weight: 5,28 g
Grade: VF/VF
Attribution: BMC Ionia, p. 39, 27 var. (magistrates)
Commentary: highly attractive glossy dark green patina, good details
History: After his victory over Antigonos in 300 BC, Lysimachos punished the citizens of Kolophon by forcing most of them to move to his new settlement Ephesos.
Article Number: 006-08-05-41652