125,00 €
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Ionia, Ephesos (as Arsinoeia); Arsinoe/stag
Description: Ionia, Ephesos (as Arsinoeia). Ca. 290 - 281 BC, Apolon (?), magistrate. Veiled bust of Arsinoe II right / ΑΡ-ΣΙ; forepart of stag kneeling right, head turned left, ...ΠΟΛΩ... to right, astragalos to left. Obv: Veiled and draped bust of Arsinoë right. Rev: ΑΡΣI / KPATEPOΣ. Stag kneeling righ, head left; astragalos above. BMC 73f. (different magistrates)
Diameter: AE13 mm
Weight: 1,9 g
Grade: aVF/VF
Attribution: BMC 74
Commentary: rare; dark olive grey patina with some deposits, minor scratches, small punch (?) on the obverse
History: Arsinoe II became the first Ptolemaic ruler to enter the Egyptian temples as "temple-sharing goddess" and was revered by the later Ptolemies.
Article Number: 011-09-06-44150