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Trajan; AE Dupondius; Abundantia
Description: Trajan (98 - 117 AD). AE Dupondius, 103-111 AD. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P; radiate bust right with draped left shoulder / SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI; Abundantia standing left holding corn ears & cornucopiae, at her feet, a child standing holding a roll, S-C, ALIM ITAL in ex.
Diameter: AE27 mm
Weight: 9,16 g
Grade: VF/VF
Attribution: RIC 460
Commentary: dark green patina, almost complete legends, fine details, somewhat rough on edge, better in hand
History: In the 200 years after Trajan, the Senate honored every new emperor with the wish "felicior Augusto, melior Traiano" (luckier than Auguastus, better than Trajan) - long lasting appreciation of virtues and achievements of Trajan.
Article Number: 007-02-03-41652