70,00 €
MwSt ist nicht ausweisbar nach §25a UStG.
Trajan; AE As; emperor on horseback spearing enemy
Description: Trajan (98 - 117 AD). AE As, Rome mint 107-110 AD. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P; laureate head to right, slight drapery on far shoulder / S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI; emperor on horseback, galloping to right, spearing Dacian enemy under horse; SC in ex.
Diameter: AE27 mm
Weight: 10,62 g
Grade: gF/gF
Attribution: RIC II 543 var. (bust type); Woytek 319b
Commentary: brown patina, some roughness
History: It is estimated that Dacia contributed 700 million Denarii per annum to the Roman economy - roughly the cost to pay for the entire army expenditures for four years.
Article Number: 008-05-04-45261