215,00 €
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Marcus Aurelius; AE Sestertius; Victory with trophy and captive
Description: Marcus Aurelius (161 - 180 AD). AE Sestertius, Rome mint 164 AD. M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG ARMENIACVS P M; laureate head right / VICT AVG TR P XVIII IMP II COS III; Victory standing right, holding trophy with both hands; at feet to right, bound Armenian captive seated right, S C across fields.
Diameter: AE31 mm
Weight: 25,56 g
Grade: VF/aVF
Attribution: RIC 890
Commentary: rare; attractive Tiber patina, minor malachite encrustations
History: The coin celebrates Roman victory in Roman–Parthian War of 161-166 AD and the occupation and reconstruction of Armenia.
Article Number: 044-04-01-44531