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Hadrian; AE Sestertius; emperor with kneeling female
Description: Hadrian (117 - 138 AD). AE Sestertius, Rome mint 120-122 AD. IMP CAESAR TRAIANVS HADRIANVS AVG P M TR P. COS III; laureate bust right, with drapery on left shoulder / RESTITVTORI ORBIS TERRARVM, SC in ex.; Hadrian standing left holding roll in left hand, extending right hand to raise towered woman kneeling left and holding globe.
Diameter: AE33 mm
Weight: 26,1 g
Grade: gF/aF
Attribution: RIC II 594b
Commentary: rare; brown patina with green deposits, weak bat attributable reverse
History: The restitution motif depicting an emperor as a saving, helping figure survived into the 4th/5th century as a popular REPARATIO REIPVB series.
Article Number: 052-01-01-41652