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Hadrian; AE Sestertius; bust of Hadrian/emperor with Fortuna
Description: Hadrian (177 - 138 AD). AE Sestertius, Rome mint 134-138 AD. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P; bare-headed and draped bust right / FORTUNAE REDVCI, S C; Hadrian standing right, clasping hands with Fortuna standing left, holding cornucopia.
Diameter: AE30 mm
Weight: 27,54 g
Grade: aVF/aVF
Attribution: RIC 761; Sear 3601
Commentary: commemorating Hadrian's extensive travels within the Empire, celebrating his safe return to Rome; black patina with light sand deposits, minor scratches, attractive style
History: One of the reasons of Jewish uprising under Bar Kokhba in 132 AD, was the abolishment of circumsision by Hadrian, who considered it a form of bodily mutilation and hence barbaric.
Article Number: 025-03-06-41652