100,00 €
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Hadrian; AE Dupondius; Aequitas
Description: Hadrian (117 - 138 AD). AE Dupondius, Rome mint 125-128 AD. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS; radiate head right, with drapery on left shoulder / COS III S-C; Aequitas standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae.
Diameter: AE26 mm
Weight: 12,06 g
Grade: aVF/gF
Attribution: RIC II 654; SRCV II 3657 var
Commentary: attractive brown and reddish surfaces with light bronze highlights, well centered; including collector's original card with detailed description and photos
History: Hadrian married Trajan's grand-niece Vibia Sabina, and the marriage, though unhappy and childless, lasted for nearly four decades.
Article Number: 012-07-03-41652