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Faustina II; AE Sestertius; Venus holding infant
Description: Faustina II (147 - 176 AD), wife of Marcus Aurelius. AE Sestertius, Rome mint 147-150 AD. FAVSTINAE AVG PII AVG FIL; draped bust right, wearing stephane / VENERI GENETRICI; Venus standing left, holding apple in her raised right hand and cradling swaddled infant in her left arm, S-C.
Diameter: AE31 mm
Weight: 21,06 g
Grade: aVF/gF
Attribution: RIC 1386b
Commentary: rare; attractive surfaces with bronze highlights, flan crack; including collector's original card with detailed description and photos
History: Faustina was bethroted to Lucius Verus, whose father was a designated heir of Hadrian: after the death of Verus' father, the engagement was ended and eventually Faustina married Marcus Aurelius.
Article Number: 028-05-03-41652