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Faustina II; AE Dupondius; Faustina with children holding infant
Description: Faustina II (147 - 176 AD). AE Dupondius, Rome mint. FAVSTINA AVGVSTA; draped bust right / IVNONI LVCINAE; Juno (or Faustina) standing left between two girls, holding infant, S-C.
Diameter: AE26 mm
Weight: 15,12 g
Grade: gF/aVF
Attribution: RIC 1650; BMC 9844
Commentary: bronze surfaces with some reddish patches, decent details
History: Faustina was bethroted to Lucius Verus, whose father was a designated heir of Hadrian: after the death of Verus' father, the engagement was ended and eventually Faustina married Marcus Aurelius.
Article Number: 033-05-03-41652