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Faustina I; AR Denarius; Concordia seated
Description: Faustina I (138 - 141 AD). AR Denarius, Rome mint 138-139 AD. FAVSTINA AVG ANTONINI AVG P P; draped bust right, hair coiled on top / CONCORDIA AVG; Concordia enthroned left, holding patera and resting forearm on cornucopiae attached to seat.
Diameter: AR17 mm
Weight: 3,36 g
Grade: F/F
Attribution: RIC 327; RSC 146; BMC 41
Commentary: scarce lifetime issue; worn but with decent details and legible legends
History: When Faustina died in 140 AD, Antoninus was devastated and honored her memory in every possible way; some sources indicates though, that Faustina lived live full of debauchery - a source of grief for her husband.
Article Number: 057-09-06-42384