240,00 €
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Commodus; AE Sestertius; Janus in temple
Description: Commodus (177 - 192 AD). AE Sestertius, Rome mint 186 AD. M COMMODVS ANT P FELIX AVG BRIT; laureate head right / P M TRP XI IMP VII, COS V P P in ex., S-C across fields; Janus standing facing, holding sceptre in right hand, within domed distyle temple.
Diameter: AE32 mm
Weight: 28,76 g
Grade: aVF/aVF
Attribution: RIC III 460
Commentary: rare; olive-grey and brown patina, good details
History: Two faces of Janus means that he is looking into the future and into the past.
Article Number: 046-07-05-41652