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Antoninus Pius; AE Sestertius; temple with images of Divus Augustus and Diva Livia
Description: Antoninus Pius (138 - 161 AD). AE Sestertius, Rome mint 159 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP TR P XXII; laureate head right / TEMPLVM DIV AVG REST, COS IIII, S-C; cult images of Divus Augustus and Diva Livia within octastyle temple set on podium of four steps; figure of Divus Augustus between two reclining figures on pediment, quadriga at top of roofline, acroteria (Romulus on left, Aeneas bearing Anchises on right) at bottom of roofline.
Diameter: AE31 mm
Weight: 24,28 g
Grade: VF/VF
Attribution: RIC 1004
Commentary: brown patina, well centered, good details of the temple; including collector's original card with detailed description and photos
History: Commemorating the restoration of the second Temple of Divus Augustus.
Article Number: 016-07-03-41652