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Antoninus Pius; AE Sestertius; Fides with standards
Description: Antoninus Pius (138 - 161 AD). AE Sestertius, Rome mint 156-157 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP TR P XIX; laureate, draped bust right / TR POT XIX COS IIII, SC; Fides standing left, holding two standards.
Diameter: AE32 mm
Weight: 26,1 g
Grade: VF/aVF
Attribution: RIC 943a
Commentary: rarer sestertius of Antoninuns Pius; great surfaces with dark brown patina and bronze highlights; including collector's original card with detailed description and photos
History: Antoninus Pius introduced the important principle that accused persons are not to be treated as guilty before trial.
Article Number: 016-07-04-41652