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Antoninus Pius; AE As; Alban Sow
Description: Antoninus Pius (138 - 161 AD). AE As, Rome mint 143/144. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TRP COS III; laureate head right / IMPERATOR II; the Alban Sow standing right, under holm-oak, suckling its young, two more to right, S C.
Diameter: AE28 mm
Weight: 11,14 g
Grade: gF/gF
Attribution: RIC III 733; Cohen 450; SRCV II 4302
Commentary: rare; brown patina with some light deposits
History: The Alban Sow is a part of foundation myth of Latium city of Alba, in which the Aeneas and his companions discovers the white sow sucklicng 30 piglets, thus finding the place for the new city.
Article Number: 008-03-03-41652