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Lycia, Oinoanda; Hermes/Ares
Description: Lycia, Oinoanda, 2nd-1st century AD. Bust of Hermes left, kerykeion behind shoulder / Ares standing facing, head left, holding spear and shield, O B left.
Diameter: AE16 mm
Weight: 4.22 g
Grade: aVF/aVF
Attribution: Ashton in NC 2005, Pl. 5, 1
Commentary: rare; green patina with some lighter deposits
History: The carving of Epicurus teaching carved in Oinoanda by Diogenes o a portico wall filled some 260 square meters of the wall and although only 1/3 was recovered is an important source of Epicurean teaching.
Article Number: 019-06-05-44287