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Cilicia, Hieropolis Kastabala; bust of Athena/bust of Hygieia
Description: Cilicia, Hieropolis Kastabala, 2nd - 1st century BC. Draped bust of Athena left, wearing crested Attic helmet / Draped bust of Hygieia left, serpent to left.
Diameter: AE32 mm
Weight: 20,54 g
Grade: gF/gF
Attribution: SNG Levante 1576
Commentary: very rare; dark olive-grey patina, some scratches
History: Hygieia as a seperate deity of health, cleanliness and sanitation, appears only after a devastating Plague of Athens (430-427 BC), until then it was one of the cult titles of Athena.
Article Number: 030-03-02-41652