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Cilicia, Epiphaneia; Antiochos IV/ Artemis
Description: Cilicia, Epiphaneia, time of Antiochos IV Epiphanes (175 - 164 BC). Diademed head of Antiochos IV right / ЄΠIΦANЄΩN THΣIЄPAΣ; Artemis standing facing, holding bow and drawing arrow.
Diameter: AE18 mm
Weight: 3,88 g
Grade: aVF/aVF
Attribution: not in known references, probably the first issue of the city after the renaming; cf. SC 1386-7; HGC 9, 681 (reverse)
Commentary: extremely rare; brown patina with lighter contrasting deposits, well centered with good details
History: The original name of the city was Oiniandos and it was renamed after the Antiochos IV Epiphanes.
Article Number: 051-08-02-41652