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Petasos Coins - antike Münzen: griechisch, römisch, byzantinisch ➧
nach Name aufsteigend
nach Name absteigend
nach Preis aufsteigend
nach Preis absteigend
nach Datum: älteste zuerst
nach Datum: neueste zuerst
45,00 €
Bronze Byzantine weight
Bronze Byzantine weight
355,00 €
Bronze age spearhead
Bronze age spearhead
75,00 €
Byzantine PB seal; lion/monogram
Byzantine PB seal; lion/monogram
210,00 €
Byzantine bronze cross
Byzantine bronze cross
285,00 €
Byzantine bronze cross
Byzantine bronze cross
255,00 €
Byzantine bronze reliquary cross (front half)
Byzantine bronze reliquary cross (front half)
65,00 €
Byzantine lead amulet; frog (?)/cross
Byzantine lead amulet; frog (?)/cross
35,00 €
Forger's mold
Forger's mold
145,00 €
Gnostic amulet; Egypt; hand/"CABPAW"
Gnostic amulet; Egypt; hand/"CABPAW"
55,00 €
Greek bronze arrow head
Greek bronze arrow head
50,00 €
Greek bronze arrow head
Greek bronze arrow head
75,00 €
Greek bronze arrow head
Greek bronze arrow head
75,00 €
Ionia, Ephesos; PB Tessera; Three Graces/blank
Ionia, Ephesos; PB Tessera; Three Graces/blank
150,00 €
Late Roman or Early Byzantine gilded pendant
Late Roman or Early Byzantine gilded pendant
65,00 €
Lead Tessera with female bust resembling Julia Domna
Lead Tessera with female bust resembling Julia Domna
105,00 €
Lead applique head of satyr
Lead applique head of satyr
235,00 €
Lead frog amulet
Lead frog amulet
100,00 €
Mesopotamian Halaf stone stamp seal
Mesopotamian Halaf stone stamp seal
70,00 €
PB Tessera; figure with globe, spear and shield/star
PB Tessera; figure with globe, spear and shield/star
45,00 €
Roman PB Tessera; three Graces/modius with 3 grain ears
Roman PB Tessera; three Graces/modius with 3 grain ears
60,00 €
Roman bronze arrowhead
Roman bronze arrowhead
60,00 €
Roman bronze arrowhead
Roman bronze arrowhead
50,00 €
Roman bronze arrowhead
Roman bronze arrowhead
55,00 €
Roman bronze arrowhead
Roman bronze arrowhead
700,00 €
Roman bronze figurine
Roman bronze figurine
40,00 €
Roman bronze needle
Roman bronze needle
285,00 €
Roman bronze phallic amulet
Roman bronze phallic amulet
315,00 €
Roman bronze phallic amulet
Roman bronze phallic amulet
40,00 €
Roman gaming piece
Roman gaming piece
70,00 €
Roman or Scythian bronze arrowhead
Roman or Scythian bronze arrowhead
40,00 €
Roman or Scythian bronze arrowhead
Roman or Scythian bronze arrowhead
225,00 €
Roman silver earrings
Roman silver earrings
180,00 €
Roman zoomorphic bronze brooch - bee
Roman zoomorphic bronze brooch - bee
335,00 €
Roman zoomorphic bronze brooch - dolphin
Roman zoomorphic bronze brooch - dolphin
275,00 €
Roman zoomorphic bronze brooch - goose
Roman zoomorphic bronze brooch - goose
265,00 €
Roman zoomorphic key with ram's head
Roman zoomorphic key with ram's head
65,00 €
Stone ring intaglio with an angel (Victory)
Stone ring intaglio with an angel (Victory)
45,00 €
Terracotta votive foot
Terracotta votive foot
55,00 €
Terracotta votive hand with mirror
Terracotta votive hand with mirror
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