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Nord-Griechenland (105)
Zentral/Süd-Griechenland (82)
Westliches Kleinasien (243)
Nördliches Kleinasien (54)
Zentrales Kleinasien (27)
Südliches Kleinasien (26)
Naher Osten und Afrika (27)
Griechen im Westen (58)
Makedonisches Königreich (54)
Seleukidisches Königreich (33)
Ptolemäisches Königreich (5)
Andere Königreiche (14)
RÖMER (707)
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Augustus - Nerva (31)
Trajan - Commodus (90)
Pertinax - Severus Alexander (19)
Maximinus I - Carinus (117)
Diokletian - Licinius II (74)
Konstantin I - Constantius II (171)
Julian II - Theodosius I (93)
Arcadius - Romulus Augustus (103)
Germanische Stämme (7)
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Makedonien/Achaia (38)
Thrakien/Moesien/Dakien (71)
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Asia (68)
Bithynia et Pontus (25)
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Kilikien (32)
Syrien/Kommagene/Judäa (38)
Mesopotamien (10)
Ägypten (16)
BYZANZ (168)
Anastasius - Phokas (92)
Heraclius - Michael III (36)
Basilius I - Alexius V (38)
Lateinisches Kaiserreich und Imperium im Exil (2)
Michael VIII - Konstantin XI
Petasos Coins - antike Münzen: griechisch, römisch, byzantinisch ➧
Nördliches Kleinasien
nach Name aufsteigend
nach Name absteigend
nach Preis aufsteigend
nach Preis absteigend
nach Datum: älteste zuerst
nach Datum: neueste zuerst
110,00 €
Bithynia, Dia; Dionysos/cista mystica
Bithynia, Dia; Dionysos/cista mystica
80,00 €
Bithynia, Kios; Mithras/kantharos
Bithynia, Kios; Mithras/kantharos
95,00 €
Bithynia, Nikaia, G. Papirius Carbo, Proconsul; Dionysos/Roma seated
Bithynia, Nikaia, G. Papirius Carbo, Proconsul; Dionysos/Roma seated
80,00 €
Black Sea Region; heads of Dioscuri/pilei
Black Sea Region; heads of Dioscuri/pilei
70,00 €
Paphlagonia, Amastris; aegis with gorgoneion/Nike
Paphlagonia, Amastris; aegis with gorgoneion/Nike
60,00 €
Paphlagonia, Amastris; aegis with gorgoneion/Nike
Paphlagonia, Amastris; aegis with gorgoneion/Nike
55,00 €
Paphlagonia, Amastris; aegis with gorgoneion/Nike
Paphlagonia, Amastris; aegis with gorgoneion/Nike
80,00 €
Paphlagonia, Amastris; head of Ares/sword
Paphlagonia, Amastris; head of Ares/sword
145,00 €
Paphlagonia, Pimolisa; head of Ares/sword
Paphlagonia, Pimolisa; head of Ares/sword
180,00 €
Paphlagonia, Sinope; head of Ares/sword
Paphlagonia, Sinope; head of Ares/sword
85,00 €
Paphlagonia, Sinope; head of Athena/Perseus with killed Medusa
Paphlagonia, Sinope; head of Athena/Perseus with killed Medusa
110,00 €
Pontos, Amaseia; head of Ares/sword
Pontos, Amaseia; head of Ares/sword
85,00 €
Pontos, Amisos; aegis with gorgoneion/Nike
Pontos, Amisos; aegis with gorgoneion/Nike
60,00 €
Pontos, Amisos; aegis with gorgoneion/Nike
Pontos, Amisos; aegis with gorgoneion/Nike
60,00 €
Pontos, Amisos; aegis with gorgoneion/Nike
Pontos, Amisos; aegis with gorgoneion/Nike
65,00 €
Pontos, Amisos; aegis with gorgoneion/Nike
Pontos, Amisos; aegis with gorgoneion/Nike
45,00 €
Pontos, Amisos; aegis with gorgoneion/Nike
Pontos, Amisos; aegis with gorgoneion/Nike
120,00 €
Pontos, Amisos; aegis with gorgoneion/Nike; double strike
Pontos, Amisos; aegis with gorgoneion/Nike; double strike
65,00 €
Pontos, Amisos; aegis/Nike
Pontos, Amisos; aegis/Nike
100,00 €
Pontos, Amisos; bust of Nike/club
Pontos, Amisos; bust of Nike/club
100,00 €
Pontos, Amisos; contemporary imitation
Pontos, Amisos; contemporary imitation
60,00 €
Pontos, Amisos; head of Ares/sword
Pontos, Amisos; head of Ares/sword
90,00 €
Pontos, Amisos; head of Ares/sword
Pontos, Amisos; head of Ares/sword
60,00 €
Pontos, Amisos; head of Ares/sword
Pontos, Amisos; head of Ares/sword
75,00 €
Pontos, Amisos; head of Ares/sword
Pontos, Amisos; head of Ares/sword
55,00 €
Pontos, Amisos; head of Ares/sword
Pontos, Amisos; head of Ares/sword
65,00 €
Pontos, Amisos; head of Ares/sword
Pontos, Amisos; head of Ares/sword
95,00 €
Pontos, Amisos; head of Athena/Perseus with killed Medusa
Pontos, Amisos; head of Athena/Perseus with killed Medusa
55,00 €
Pontos, Amisos; head of Dionysos/cista mystica
Pontos, Amisos; head of Dionysos/cista mystica
130,00 €
Pontos, Amisos; head of Dionysos/thyrsos
Pontos, Amisos; head of Dionysos/thyrsos
65,00 €
Pontos, Amisos; head of Perseus/Pegasos
Pontos, Amisos; head of Perseus/Pegasos
70,00 €
Pontos, Amisos; head of Perseus/harpa
Pontos, Amisos; head of Perseus/harpa
120,00 €
Pontos, Amisos; imitative issue; Aegis/Nike
Pontos, Amisos; imitative issue; Aegis/Nike
150,00 €
Pontos, Kabeira; aegis with gorgoneion/Nike
Pontos, Kabeira; aegis with gorgoneion/Nike
85,00 €
Pontos, Komana; aegis with gorgoneion/Nike
Pontos, Komana; aegis with gorgoneion/Nike
80,00 €
Pontos, Komana; aegis with gorgoneion/Nike
Pontos, Komana; aegis with gorgoneion/Nike
80,00 €
Pontos, Pharnakeia; Zeus/eagle
Pontos, Pharnakeia; Zeus/eagle
100,00 €
Pontos, uncertain (Amisos?); bashlyk/star
Pontos, uncertain (Amisos?); bashlyk/star
155,00 €
Pontos, uncertain mint; bare head/two men sacrificing pig
Pontos, uncertain mint; bare head/two men sacrificing pig
90,00 €
Pontos; comet/head of horse, star
Pontos; comet/head of horse, star
150,00 €
Pontos; comet/head of horse, star
Pontos; comet/head of horse, star
120,00 €
Pontos; comet/head of horse, star
Pontos; comet/head of horse, star
100,00 €
Pontos; comet/head of horse, star
Pontos; comet/head of horse, star
100,00 €
Pontos; comet/head of horse, star
Pontos; comet/head of horse, star
110,00 €
Pontos; comet/head of horse, star
Pontos; comet/head of horse, star
130,00 €
Pontos; comet/head of horse, star
Pontos; comet/head of horse, star
70,00 €
Pontos; comet/head of horse, star
Pontos; comet/head of horse, star
120,00 €
Pontos; head of horse, star/comet
Pontos; head of horse, star/comet
100,00 €
Pontos; head of horse, star/comet
Pontos; head of horse, star/comet
45,00 €
Pontos; head of horse/palm frond
Pontos; head of horse/palm frond
80,00 €
Pontos; star with horse's head/comet
Pontos; star with horse's head/comet
80,00 €
Pontos; star with horse's head/comet
Pontos; star with horse's head/comet
100,00 €
Pontos; star with horse's head/comet
Pontos; star with horse's head/comet
100,00 €
Pontos; star with horse's head/comet
Pontos; star with horse's head/comet
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