110,00 €
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Trebonianus Gallus; AR Antoninianus; Mars
Description: Trebonianus Gallus (251 - 253 AD). AR Antoninianus, Antioch mint. IMP C C VIB TREB GALLVS P F AVG; radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / MARTI PACIFERO; Mars advancing left, holding branch and spear.
Diameter: AR22 mm
Weight: 4,58 g
Grade: aMS/aMS
Attribution: RIC 85
Commentary: scarce; excellent example in nearly mint state, great portrait, good metal and wonderful patina, small scratch on reverse
History: During his two years reign Gallus managed to exile two bishops of Rome (popes): Cornelius and his successors Lucius.
Article Number: 051-07-03-41652