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Macedonia, Amphipolis, Julia Maesa
Description: Macedonia, Amphipolis, Julia Maesa (Augusta 218-224 AD). IOV MAECA AVΓOV; draped bust right / ΑΜΦΙΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ; Tyche seated left, holding patera.
Diameter: AE22 mm
Weight: 5,94 g
Grade: VF/VF
Attribution: Varbanov 3295; SNG Cop. 115
Commentary: rare, dark brown patina with bronze highlights on obverse
History: Julia Maesa, the Grand Dame of late Severan Dynasty, became herself Augusta, was the mother of two Augustae (Julia Soaemias, Julia Mamaea) and grandmother of two Augusti (Elagabalus, Severus Alexander).
Article Number: 027-05-02-44388