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Pamphylia, Perge, Trajan Decius
Description: Pamphylia, Perge, Trajan Decius (249 - 251 AD). ΑV Κ ΓΑ ΜЄ ΚV ΤΡΑ ΔЄΚΙΟΝ ЄVϹ; radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΠЄΡΓΑΙΩΝ; Artemis Pergaia with bow and arrow standing facing, wearing crescent.
Diameter: AE22 mm
Weight: 6.86 g
Grade: aVF/aVF
Attribution: not in known references, cf. RPC IX 1118 (Treb. Gallus) for reverse
Commentary: rare; attractive patina, good details
History: Perge was already in the Bronze Age an important city and is mentioned in the Hittite document from 13th century BC.
Article Number: 019-07-01-44287