55,00 €
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Cilicia, Tarsos, Trebonianus Gallus
Description: Cilicia, Tarsos, Trebonianus Gallus (251 - 253 AD). AV KAI Γ OVIBION TPIBΩ ΓAΛΛON; radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / TAPCOV MHTPOΠOΛEΩC; Helios standing left, raising right hand, holding whip in left.
Diameter: AE32 mm
Weight: 14,88 g
Grade: gF/aF
Attribution: SNG France 1787
Commentary: green patina, worn but recognizable details
History: The wife of Trebonianus Gallus was never proclaimed Augusta and thus no coins were issued in her name - an exception even for the briefly reigning emperors of the 3rd century.
Article Number: 046-03-02-41652