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Cilicia, Tarsos, Gordian III
Description: Cilicia, Tarsos, Gordian III (238 - 244 AD). AVT K M ANT ΓΟΡΔIANOC CEB Π-Π; radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Artemis standing right holding bow, drawing arrow from quiver; M-A-K-Γ-B in fields.
Diameter: AE34 mm
Weight: 18,74 g
Grade: VF/VF
Attribution: SNG Cop 391; SNG Levante Suppl. 285; SNG BN 1665
Commentary: attractive olive patina with lighter contrasting deposits in fields, well centered with great details
History: Besides the well known depiction as hunting godess, Artemis was also a goddess of maiden dances and songs, and often portrayed with a lyre.
Article Number: 028-01-02-41652