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Cilicia, Tarsos, Antoninus Pius
Description: Cilicia, Tarsos, Antoninus Pius (138 - 161 BC). AVT KAI TI AI AΔPIA ANTΩNINOC CEB EY; laureate head right, Π Π in fields / ΔΗΜΟC ΑΔΡΙΑ ΤΑΡΣΕΩΝ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩΣ; bearded Demos seated left, holding wreath, star left.
Diameter: AE28 mm
Weight: 10,8 g
Grade: aVF/aVF
Attribution: SNG France 1442-3; SNG Levante 1013
Commentary: attractive bronze patina with slight contrasting deposits
History: In 137 AD the emperor Hadrian visited the city and and his name was attached to the name of the city (AΔPIA), and during the reigne of Antoninus Pius Tarsos became the metropolis (ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩΣ) of the three provinces: Cilicia, Lycaonia and Isauria.
Article Number: 018-02-03-41652