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Cilicia, Seleukeia, Severus Alexander
Description: Cilicia, Seleukeia, Severus Alexander (222 - 235 AD). AY K M AYP C Є OVHP AΛЄZANΔPOC; radiate and cuirassed bust right, slight drapery on shoulder / СЄΛЄYKEΩN KAΛYKA; Athena advancing right, brandishing spear and shield at anguipede giant throwing stone.
Diameter: AE32 mm
Weight: 15,56 g
Grade: aVF/aVF
Attribution: BMC 33 var; SNG Cop 213 var; SNG Levante 756 var; SNG Paris 1000 var
Commentary: dark patina, good details for type
History: Severus Alexander built the last of Rome's eleven great aqueducts.
Article Number: 042-05-03-41652