150,00 €
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Cilicia, Pompeiopolis, Pompey the Great
Description: Cilicia, Pompeiopolis, Pompey the Great, ca. 66 - 48 BC. Bare head of Pompeius Magnus right / Nike advancing right with wreath.
Diameter: AE21 mm
Weight: 6,92 g
Grade: VF/aVF
Attribution: SNG France 1214-1216 var. (rev. control marks); SNG Levante 882 var.
Commentary: rare; dark grey-olive patina, well centered
History: In the early 1st century BC (ca 83 BC) King Tigranes of Armenia destroyed the city and took the inhabitants to Tigranocerta; Soloi remained deserted until Pompey settled there the defeated pirates who deserved to be saved and renamed the city Pompeiopolis.
Article Number: 024-06-02-41652