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Cilicia, Lyrbe, Valerian II
Description: Cilicia, Lyrbe. Valerian II (256 - 258 AD). ΠΟY ΛΙK KO VAΛEPIANON KAI CEB; bare, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / ΛVPBEITΩN; Tyche standing left, holding rudder set on globe in right hand, cornucopia in left.
Diameter: AE31 mm
Weight: 17,44 g
Grade: aVF/VF
Attribution: not in known references; cf. SNG Levante Suppl. 51 (Kolybrassos, eagle on obverse); SNG France 559 (dito)
Commentary: brown patina, minor reddish deposits, well centered with full legends, some roughness on obverse
History: The ruins of Lyrbe were found only in the 1970s by archeologist Jale Inan.
Article Number: 008-04-05-41652