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Cilicia, Hieropolis Kastabala, Valerian I
Description: Cilicia, Hieropolis Kastabala, Valerian I (253 - 260 AD). ΑVΤ Κ Ο VΛΑΕΡΙΑΝΟC CΕ; radiate draped bust right / IEPOΠ KACTABAΛE; Hero advancing left, hand raised left, S in left field.
Diameter: AE27 mm
Weight: 16,34 g
Grade: aVF/aVF
Attribution: Sear GIC 4493; SNG Lev 1598
Commentary: thick flan, green patina with some light deposits, some brown patches on reverse
History: Hieropolis-Kastabala was an important cult center with Artemis Perasia as the most important deity, but the cult of Helios was also widespread in Asia Minor, due to its identification with Mithras.
Article Number: 008-06-03-41652