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Cilicia, Anazarbos, Philip I
Description: Cilicia, Anazarbos, Philip I (244 - 249 AD). AVT K ΙΟVIA ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟC; radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / ΑΝΑΖΑΡΒΟΥ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟ, Γ Γ; bust of Selene facing right on crescent, stars in fields.
Diameter: AE25 mm
Weight: 9,12 g
Grade: aVF/aVF
Attribution: Selene reverse for Philip I not in known references
Commentary: green patina with lighter deposits, good details with legible legends
History: Selene is the sister of the sun-god Helios, and of godess of dawn, Eos.
Article Number: 018-03-02-41652