120,00 €
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Cilicia, Anazarbos, Gallienus
Description: Cilicia, Anazarbos, Gallienus (253 - 268 AD). Minted in year 272 since incorporation of the city into the Roman empire in 19 B.C, or 253 - 254 AD. AVT K ΓAΛΛIHNOC CEBA; radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ANAZAPBOV ET BOC; Hermes standing left holding purse in right and caduceus in left, Γ-Γ in fields, A-M-K in fields.
Diameter: AE24 mm
Weight: 7,36 g
Grade: aVF/aVF
Attribution: Ziegler 822, reverse die: SNG Switzerland 1528 (Valerian)
Commentary: extremely rare; green patina with some lighter deposits, good details with nearly complete legends
History: In the year of 260 AD, Anazarbos, like the other Cilician cities, was conquered and destroyed tremendously by Sassanid King Shapur I and a very few of the inhabitants were able to flee from the city and survive.
Article Number: 018-03-05-41652