40,00 €
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Valentinian II; AE4 Lugdunum; Victory
Description: Valentinian II (375 - 392 AD). AE4 Lugdunum mint 388-392 AD. DN VALENTINIANVS PF AVG; pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / VICTORIA AVGGG; Victory walking left, holding wreath and palm branch; LVGP in ex.
Diameter: AE12 mm
Weight: 1,18 g
Grade: aVF/gF
Attribution: RIC IX Lyons 44a; Sear 20453
Commentary: rare; olive-grey patina off-center
History: In 387 AD following the invasion of rebelious Magnus Maximus Justina, the mother of then 16 years old Valentinian, fled with her children from Italy to the Balkans.
Article Number: 043-10-07-41652