75,00 €
MwSt ist nicht ausweisbar nach §25a UStG.
Valentinian II; AE4 Arelate; Victory
Description: Valentinian II (375 - 392 AD). AE4 Arelate mint. DN VALENTINIANVS PF AVG; pearl diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right / VICTORIA AVGGG, Victory advancing left holding wreath and palm; PCON in ex.
Diameter: AE13 mm
Weight: 1,18 g
Grade: aVF/gF
Attribution: RIC IX Arles 30a; Sear 20454
Commentary: rare; dark olive-green patina, rough edges
History: Arelate (Arles) reached the peak of its importance in the late 4th - early 5th century AD, when the city being home to some 100.000 inhabitants became the seat of the Praetorian Prefecture of the Gauls.
Article Number: 026-01-08-44656