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Valentinian I; AE3 Rome; emperor with captive
Description: Valentinian I (364 - 375 AD) AE3 Rome mint 364-367 AD. DN VALENTINI-ANVS PF AVG; pearl diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right / GLORIA ROMANORVM; emperor, holding labarum in left hand, walking right, looking left, dragging captive with right hand; RQ in ex.
Diameter: AE17 mm
Weight: 2,3 g
Grade: aVF/aVF
Attribution: RIC IX Rome 15a
Commentary: rare; dark grey patina, minor scratches on obverse
History: According to Epitome de Caesaribus Valentinian I was educated even in such subjects as painting and sculpting.
Article Number: 005-03-03-44147