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Valentinian I; AE3 Constantinople; emperor with captive
Description: Valentinian I (364 - 375 AD). AE3, Constantinople mint 364-367 AD. D N VALENTINIANVS P F AVG; diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / GLORIA ROMANORVM; emperor advancing right, holding labarum and grasping captive, cross in left and right field, CONSΓ in ex.
Diameter: AE16 mm
Weight: 2,46 g
Grade: gF/gF
Attribution: RIC IX Constantinople 16a5 (no crosses); Sear 19461 (no crosses)
Commentary: unique for Valentinian with two crosses; brown-grey patina with bronze highlights
History: Valentinian I ruled with his brother Valens two parts of Roman Empire - a constellation that occured again three decades later with Honorius and Arcadius.
Article Number: 057-10-04-42384